Sunday, July 14, 2013

Teacher Training Course, Day 3

What was your favorite part of today? Was it learning how to get up on a headstand? How did you feel leading your first yoga exercise, kapalbhati? And what did you absorb from Papa's lecture today? Share your thoughts from about your training, and about your teachers. 

Teacher Training Course, Day 2

During the Teacher's Training Course, the students had an opportunity to work on aligning their breath and movement to Sun Salutations. Although many of us lost count, we all seemed to have a better understanding of when to move and when to breathe. Himanshu also talked about the qualities of a good yoga teacher as we discussed how to teach a yoga class. We learned that the yoga teacher is more than a fitness guide, (good yoga teachers are the ones who can bond with their students, and help them achieve a better mental and physical state after their practice). 

We also had our second meditation session with Papa. He reviewed with us about the importance of meditating and that we will only become better through consistent practice and patience. Papa also educated us on the proper greetings, how to properly say OM, and about gurukula. 

We would like to thank our gurus for guiding us during our training. 

Feel free to answer these questions and share your thought with us!

How is everyone after practicing practicing their breathing and moving to Sun Salutations?

What do you think is the most important quality a good yoga teacher must posses? Can you explain why?

Have you noticed any differences in your meditation session during Day 2 vs. Day 1?

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Teacher Training Course, Day 1

Greetings from Hari Yoga!

We would like to thank and congratulate the students who attended their first day of Hari Yoga Teacher Training. Your commitment to this program shows that you are a student in heart and that your potential can take you anywhere with this practice.

The first day consisted of an Orientation, where the students were initiated into the program, a few hours of practicing asanas, and the programs first mediation session!

We look forward to strengthening your mind and body and watching you grow into a better student of yoga. Don't forget to set goals for yourself, and see how much deeper you can get into your poses 12 weeks from now!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

What is Yoga?

Definition of Yoga: "Union between Body, Mind and Spirit"
   Few questions to be asked while practicing yoga:
1. What is the purpose of practicing yoga?
    The purpose of practicing yoga is to develop physical body healthy, develop stability in mind and 
    uplift the spirit.
2. How Union between Body, Mind and Spirit is achieved?
   According to "Classical Tradition", this is possible being consistent in practice and following the 8  
   limbs/principles of Yoga.
3. What are these 8 limbs/principles of Yoga?
4. What do these 8 limbs/principles have to do in yoga practice?
 These 8 limbs/principles help in bringing Body, Mind and Spirit together. 
Om Shanti

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

For the beginning.....

Greetings! Welcome to our blog on "yoga". Our journey of visualizing the world upside down and twisted. Our exploration comes from the perspective of Hari and Sandra. We teach and practice yoga. In our daily walk, we are surrounded by so many thoughts that emblazon our minds that we needed a space to jot them down and see if anyone heard us. We will discuss our daily understanding of yoga and philosophy, anatomy of postures, diet, breathing, and positive thinking. We would love to hear from you and to know that you have heard our tree!
